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How to develop your professional profile

The thinker Edgar Morin says that “what does not regenerate, degenerates.” This can be applied to a multitude of things, including our professional profile . Everything is constantly changing; in fact, in the last two decades society has evolved more technologically, socially and politically than it has done in centuries.

We live in the most connected and complex

era in the history of humanity at the same dataset time. Fortunately, our ability to adapt to changes is also improving. We have adopted technologies that were unthinkable just a few years ago, such as instant messaging or social networks.

There is no need to wonder whether

everything will continue to change at a frenetic the sentences paragraphs and sections pace in the coming years. The best thing we can do is prepare ourselves not for what is happening now, but for what is to come .

Preparing to operate in the future

There is a lot of literature on this topic today, but there is one common idea everywhere: you have to learn to diversify . This means that to hong kong data prepare professional profile your profile for the future you will have to know how to do more than one thing and know how to do them well.

Although it may sound catastrophic

it is a backup plan, because at the rate at which technology advances , practically any sector is susceptible to integrating solutions that reduce the number of available jobs.

develop professional profile

Estimates say that 50% of global workers will have to reset and learn new skills between now and 2025. This means that in a very tight timeframe, one in two workers has to acquire new skills , competencies and get used to new ways of working.

This is where we need to focus on intentional

learning . Intentional learning is the ability to acquire new knowledge and skills on an ongoing basis. It is the opposite of formal learning, which represents only a small percentage of all the knowledge and skills we need to acquire to develop our career.

What have you learned lately?

Whether it’s Excel, Python. Or how to edit a video for YouTube , share those acquired skills on your social profiles and resume. Mastery of a skill set matters little, but mastery of learning will say a lot about you in the future of work . Keep learning as much as you can.

While we can’t avoid uncertainty, we can do our best to be prepared for whatever comes next.

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