Any accolades or awards you receive will be added to your social proof portfolio. Don’t be afraid to display them everywhere for your customers to see. Social proof gives your brand credibility in an otherwise extremely competitive industry.
Hyundai’s latest EV, the IONIQ 6, swept three major awards at the 2023 World Car Awards. The brand went all out to highlight its achievement.
award winner
Source: Hyundai
It updated the car’s homepage, posted on social telegram data media and even published press articles, among other marketing materials.
The all-electric MG4 won nine major automotive awards in 2022, including from Top Gear,, DrivingElectric, carwow and Scottish Car of the Year.
MG made a splash by informing
its current and potential customers about book your list the wins through press articles and social media posts.
12. Accessible Customer Resources
Awareness should be part of a solid electric vehicle subsidiary advertising strategy, especially when it comes to EVs.