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You can also independently develop

By June 2023, I will lose 6 kg.” And then you can contact a dietitian, nutritionist, and fitness trainer who will help you achieve this goal. a nutrition plan, workouts, and move towards your goal in small steps every day.

The goal cannot be written in the future tense using the phrase “I want”. It is necessary to formulate the goal in a positive, affirmative manner. For example: “By November 2023, my bank card will have a financial safety cushion in the amount of 300 thousand rubles.”

Recommend reading

“Extreme Time Management” Alexey telegram number list Tolkachev, Nikolay Mrochkovsky
The book will be useful for people who want to increase their personal efficiency and start changing their lives for the better. The advice from the authors motivates to act and be responsible for time planning. In addition, the book contains a lot of practice and useful exercises that can be us to achieve goals.

“Atlas Shrugg” by independently develop Ayn Rand
One of my favorites. It’s a fiction book, but about setting specific goals and the spirit of entrepreneurship. The work can be a great motivator for reaching new heights at work and in other areas of life.

“The Source” Ayn Rand

A book about the image of the agb directory desir future, the scale of thoughts and the achievement of outstanding results. It will help to form specific goals with a long-term perspective of 5-10 years.


Hello everyone! My name is Artem

Amentes and this independently expert for crm data synchronization develop is my story about how I discover the world of business. After finishing school, I decid to become a military financier and enter the Yaroslavl Military Finance and Economics School. Life in the “cadet boots” was fill with romanticism, we were waiting for our golden shoulder straps and dream of serving as officers in the troops and helping people.



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