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Interview with rebeca navarro digital marketing

At Vodafone, where she leads the company’s talent management , Rebeca Navarro approaches our Digital Qs with a very diverse focus: Inclusion, digital talent, equality, entrepreneurship and a call to attention to the treatment of women on social networks such as Twitter.

A human resources professional

with a 20-year career in the technology sector , Rebeca rcs data has a degree in Law from the UCM. She has a Master’s Degree in New Technologies Law and was a DIBEXer (student of the Digital Business Executive Program ) at ISDI in 2016. Today she is the Talent Director at Vodafone, where she invests part of her time in disseminating topics on the inclusion of diversity in the corporate environment. Since 2017 she has been teaching at ISDI and other business schools and is a regular at many professional forums… And her hobbies are piling up.

How has digital disruption affected your area or sector?

I work in the telecommunications sector write a press release to present the results and I also work with people. The combination could not be more challenging from the point of view of digital disruption . The sector, and Vodafone in particular, is making enormous efforts to adapt to the new era and to what customers now want. And I think we have only seen the tip of the iceberg. Our path is to revolutionize the way customers communicate but also to take steps towards other vertices of technology where we were not expected before… And from the point of view of my role in human resources, this simple term is already obsolete… If we think that we can continue managing teams dedicated to digital activity as in the 80s, we have a problem…

Digital profile you admire and why.

I admire those small entrepreneurs in the educational navarro digital environment who have seen an opportunity in the digital world and who hong kong data are offering – with humility – very creative solutions to increase the supply of digital professionals. Two examples would be Arancha García , Director of Gen/D , a budding school of digital professions, and Pablo Rodríguez , Founder of Hackaboss, with his new concept of programming learning in La Coruña.

And I obviously admire any professor in the ISDI

environment, who every day stands in front of a class to share their knowledge, but especially Alberto Díaz, whom I met at my DIBEX in 2016 and who opened the doors of this house to me.

What is the achievement you are most proud of?

I am proud to have been working on diversity inclusion in corporate environments for almost 15 years, especially when it was not a topic as navarro digital well understood and understood as it is now. And I have been particularly pleased to have made Vodafone in Spain an employer brand that has become a benchmark in terms of diversity and inclusion.

And the failure or mistake from which you have learned the most?

In team management. There are decisions that cannot be postponed in. The hope that someone miraculous will. Come and make the decision for us, especially if. You know what you should do from the very first minute. I have made a mistake on a couple of occasions by delaying making important changes in teams that I have led… but I hope that doesn’t happen to me again.

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