Have you read somewhere that Content Marketing strategy is not just made up of blog posts? If you follow our blog regularly, you surely have!
One of the reasons is that the objectives of content production include lead generation , that is, obtaining relevant information about your blog visitors so that they become potential customers.
In that sense, blog posts are good initial incentives, but they are not as good at “closing the deal” – that is, getting readers to actually fill out a form with their contact information.
For that, other types of materials are necessary. Do you want to know which ones? Then, read the 12 types of content to generate leads and increase your business’ sales opportunities!
1. Ebooks
This is the most well-known and popular way to generate leads. The “digital book” format is perfect because most readers are already used to following blogs on a daily basis.
The content, usually more in-depth on the topic at hand, offers enough value to ensure that interested parties are motivated to give you personal information in exchange for the material.
It’s important to remember that producing an ebook is not as simple as a blog post, it requires more time, work and considerably more graphic editing. But the results are worth it. You only have to look at how many ebooks Rock has produced and the number of times we’ve talked about the topic to understand the value of this type of content in a strategy for success.
Editor’s recommendation:
Learn how to turn your posts into wonderful ebooks
2. Reports
Reports with relevant research and data are also welcome and represent the type of information for which people are willing to give up their contact details.
The more valuable an offer is – that is, with accurate and up-to-date information on topics that are important to the reader, containing data that he could not otherwise obtain – the more information the visitor will be willing to offer.
3. Webinars
Webinars , or conferences held entirely online, represent a type of interactive content that attracts the attention of participants. These video materials are often successful because of their interaction, as they can include real-time conversations between speakers and the audience through social media and other tools.
Attendance is only guaranteed by registration, as if it were a face-to-face conference; those who are interested will need to provide their contact information. In this way, they receive the link to the event with date and time, and can then continue to be fed with other content.
4. Success stories
Success stories are perfect for those visitors who want to learn more about how a product or service has worked for others in a similar situation to their own. This material usually tells how a person or company solved a problem with the help of a product, service or work methodology.
You can also include success stories from well-known brands, something that always attracts the attention of beginners who want to know how the big players in the market took their first steps.
It is important to direct the content of these cases to your niche, and at that point it is worth remembering that the goal is not to try to sell directly, but to open the doors for a future purchase.
See a success story example here.
5. Tools
Part of the appeal of any type of content is its practical value to the intended audience, and what could be more practical than a tool? In some cases, rather than teaching your buyer persona how to perform a task, it’s better to create a mechanism that helps them perform it, right?
It will take more work to create a tool, that’s indisputable, but the benefits are worth it. That’s why here at Rock we’ve created many tools that you can use as inspiration:
- People Generator ;
- Blog Title Machine;
- Email Subject Generator ;
- Conversion calculator for e-commerce.
wing demand for knowledge on the web , many people are looking for online courses that will help them achieve their different goals. Since our goal is to generate leads, a good option is to create free courses on topics that your Persona would like to learn.
This way, it will be much easier for you to obtain the information you need, even because the value of the offer is high compared to most of the materials mentioned here.
You can choose to create a course using a specific teaching platform or broadcast the course using an automated email flow as the user registers.
7. Contests
We all love contests, right? Besides being great iceland mobile database for generating engagement and getting to know your Persona better, they are relatively simple to run. You can promote a contest on your site, blog, or any of the social networks where the brand is present.
Remember that the goal here is to generate leads, and for that you need registrations. So, make sure the prizes are attractive enough to motivate the audience to participate.
After that, make sure the experience is enjoyable for your attendees so they’ll be eager to find out what else your brand can offer them.
8. Checklists
Checklists are very practical and can be made available in different formats, from blog posts to infographics and slide presentations. They serve as a tool and require little work from you.
The idea is to help your buyer persona perform some important task related to the topic of your content. Therefore, a checklist will help you not to skip any stage of that activity.
For example, we at Rock made SEO and post publishing checklists, as these are relevant tasks for our Buyer Persona. You can access our marketing checklists at this link .
How to generate leads from this? Creating a downloadable file is enough. That way, the reader won’t need to look at the post every time they want to see the list.
9. Cheat Sheets
The same idea of a checklist can be applied to cheat sheets, which are reference guides made for quick reference. This type of material is obvious, simple and basic, and that is why it is worth producing it, whenever possible, for your niche.
This is information that you always need, but it keeps slipping away from your mind. Having a reference source at your fingertips is a great help, which is why users won’t think twice before downloading such material. From there, you can feed their attention with deeper content.
10. Interviews
Interviews, especially when conducted with experts in the field or with people who have achieved celebrity status in their market segment, are excellent leads . Audiences love this type of material for at least two reasons. The first is that the content gives them an idea of how the interviewee thinks and performs his or her activities.
And the second is that it sparks curiosity about who you are and why you got the interview. If you get to talk to thought leaders who admire you, your chances of generating leads will be greater.
11. Audiobooks
Besides ebooks, there is another way to grab the attention of your blog readers for those moments when they feel like consuming content without reading: audiobooks!
Many people love listening to podcasts on the way to work or at work, while doing other tasks. Others do this when they feel lazy to read.
The fact is that audiobooks are great for repurposing tips for search engine optimization (seo) of your website content and presenting it in a different format.
12. Kits
There will come a time when your strategy will have a lot of content like the ones we’ve mentioned so far, which will give you the opportunity to generate even more leads without having to produce anything new. How? By creating toolkits with the materials produced in the past.
For example, you can put together a few ebooks on the same topic or offer checklists and other tools together. The way you produce these kits is up to you, the important thing is that without much effort you can create a new, even more special offer for your buyer persona.
This is also a good way to convince that visitor who almost alb directory downloaded one of your materials in the past and now sees it again and with even greater appeal. The truth is that there is no shortage of content alternatives to generate leads . The ideal is to use many of these formats – if possible all of them – to ensure that readers have options and can find the content they most identify with.