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The “rhymes” of the drive with Caroline Doucet

“I put rhymes” states Caroline Doucet, invit to speak in Rennes, as the newly appoint Analyst of the School, on the theme of “Paradoxes of the Drive Caroline Doucet “.

Conversing with Hélène Bonnaud, Caroline Doucet made the “destiny of the drive at the end of the analysis” perceptible, by carrying out a rigorous and playful rereading of the drive coordinates of her own treatment.

Throughout the course of the treatment, “discretion” – a propensity to remain silent that became a “way of being” in existence – act as a bulwark against the analyst’s desire. Once the analysis is complet, testimony becomes a necessity and the pass becomes the place where the knotting of the drive and the analyst’s desire is illustrat in action.

What then does the  Caroline Doucet analytic experience

operate on the side of the drive? “What does not change is the drive” says Jacques-Alain Miller. “There is no crossing of the drive, no beyond the drive” [1] . Inde, the fantasy is cross, not the drive, but during this mobile database  crossing, the different modalities of the drive object and their articulation with the fundamental fantasy are brought to light. Then what has determin, often without the subject’s knowlge, his entire existence is clarifi – what he complain about, but what he enjoy.

“The unconscious,” says the new AE, “does not only condition a symptom, it programs existence, character, personality, that is, everything that the subject does and experiences in existence.” A few examples illustrate these sending nes you can measure the results of  statements: symptoms from very early childhood (refusal of the maternal breast and severe toxicosis) serv as .

The significant iterative resonances

allow us to hear differently certain “shock” formulas that have impact the subject’s life: “I brought you dead to the hospital” pronounc  european union email list and repeat over and over by a paternal grandfather, for example, or another, us repeatly by the mother.

Furthermore, the shift from the refusal of the oral object to the refusal of speech address to the mother articulates fantasy and drive, here summon from the side of the “sewn mouth” [2] .

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