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The signifiers resonate

Once the fantasy constructions have been ientifi. The symptoms can be rerea as analytic symptoms, no longer from the sie of meaning

But from the sie of enjoyment signifiers resonate . “After the subject has been ientifi in relation to the a , the experience of the funamental fantasy becomes the rive” [3] says Lacan in Seminar XI.

For Caroline oucet – playing ea, being forgotten, professional choices orient towars things of eath, successive moves/uninstalls, enjoyment of waiting, etc. – turn out to be ifferent moalities of enjoyment glimps uring the course of the treatment. The link to the father fix to the object gaze (quest for his support) or to the object voice (waiting for phone calls), leaves the subject in a esperate wait for phallic support. This link will be unone, after the eath of the father, thanks to the act of the analyst, freeing the subject from this capture, not without a faing effect . An assum loss will then sign the eflation of a repetitive phallic quest.

The ientification  signifiers resonate in a cure

of the fantasy construction prouces effects of is-ientification – not without generating a part of un-being – an lays bare the rive objects in the service of enjoyment. After this crossing, an insight into the real an the incurable proves  phone number list possible. It is then a question of reiteration an no longer of repetition.

Thus Caroline oucet testifies, towars the en of her treatment, of the appearance of boily phenomena: a sensation of  able to create mass emails remin customers about imminent eath – without affect of anxiety – will signal the trace of an unspeakable reality, a sort of “reminiscence” of the boy (in connection with chilhoo toxicosis). “The sinthome is not without echoes with the first marks of chilhoo” she says.

A voice is then emboi in an inhabit wor

to the rhythm of a living impulse an an effort of poetry. not on the sie of the rama of existence, but with lightness. The impulse has not chang, no oubt, but it no longer functions in a clos circuit an eclines its new rhymes, in this wor which unfols, not without a tangible satisfaction. Hélène  european union email list Bonnau will summarize Caroline oucet’s journey with an arrow: “From the sewn mouth to the mouth arrow towars the Ⱥother of the School.”

HB: We were struck by the way in which you bring out in your testimony, with lightness an clarity, the coorinates of “the unspeakable scene”. Can you come back to the way in which the opacity of this fantasy an the pleasure it contain were pulveriz by the analysis.

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