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Salt finally switches to calendar mode

Surprisingly! until now! the billing cycle went from the 10th of the month to the 9th of the following month. Salt has decided to switch to a so-called calendar period! from the 1st to the last day of the month! as other operators do. Clearer! this method also seems financially interesting for the operator based in Renens.

Indeed! in an email received by his subscribers last week! he specifies that “we will now issue your Salt invoices at the beginning of the month”. In concrete terms! this means that the operator will invoice the subscription as such before its use. All the details.

Transition from July 1st

The new billing model will be introduced from July 1! 2024. According to Salt! “it will allow both a better understanding of your bills and an extended payment period. From now on! your bill will include the monthly charges for the current month as well as any out-of-bundle consumption from the previous month.”

The bill of July 1st will therefore be unique and the result line database of this transition. The amount of this painful will therefore be higher! including: the monthly fees and any consumption for the month of June (pro rata from June 10th to 30th according to the old model) as well as the monthly fees for the month of July (new model).

Easier from August 1st

Everything will return to normal on August 1st . “Your invoices will digital marketing guide be issued according to the new model and will return to their usual amount! therefore including: the monthly charges for the current month and any out-of-package consumption from the previous month!” according to the same Salt email.

Still according to the operator in charge Salt finally school email list switches of the Hexagonal Xavier Niel! “this change allows a more logical calendar view of your invoices! increases your payment period thanks to an early sending and aligns with the current billing model of our fixed internet product Salt Home! preparing the future arrival of unified invoices between mobile and fixed internet offers.

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