The objectives of staff training and adaptation are as follows:
- Reducing initial costs. It can be difficult for a new employee to get used to the work. Because he or she is not as efficient as others, the company loses income. Successful adaptation solves this problem, as it allows the newcomer to understand the accepted work standards faster.
Reducing anxiety and insecurity of a new employee.
- Newcomers are always afraid shop of making a mistake, of not being able to navigate the situation when it is needed. Psychological support helps them feel more confident.
- Reducing staff turnover. Staff turnover is an inevitable process. But there is an opinion that if more workers leave the company than top and middle managers, this is not a serious problem and does not lead to major personnel difficulties. This is not true. We believe that quantitative indicators cannot be called decisive here. Since managers perform complex and multifaceted functions a step-by-step guide on how to create interactive assessments and, accordingly, newcomers need more time to adapt, such specialists need to be retained especially competently. This is why the selection and adaptation of middle and top management personnel is an issue that requires increased attention.
- Saving time for the immediate supervisor and colleagues. The newcomer needs assistance directly in performing his work functions.
Formation of a feeling of satisfaction with one’s own work, a positive attitude towards it in a new employee.
- In order for an employee to demonstrate excellent professional results, he must be loyal to the company. If the professional adaptation system is implemented correctly, newcomers perceive the company positively. When a person comes to work, he already understands how he will adapt to the team and b2c fax master the workspace. A company is a formed group of people who have their own goals, objectives, value system and ways of building relationships. As part of the adaptation, the new employee and the company must adapt to each other as much as possible.
Taking into account the specific goals of the adaptation process, we will define the tasks that the company and the newcomer must solve.
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The enterprise must:
- provide everything necessary for the employee to quickly reach the desired level of productivity and quality of work;
- create a favorable emotional environment in the team;
- provide both the employee and the participants in the adaptation process (mentors, trainers, etc.) with full information support.
The employee, in turn, must responsibly solve problems within the framework of adaptation and efficiently perform his direct duties.