There are two types of personnel adaptation in a company:
- Primary. Newcomers get to know the company, assess how reality meets their expectations and goals. After the initial adaptation, the employee decides whether to stay in the company or not, whether he copes with his duties, whether he is satisfied with the work in general.
- Secondary. It is taken phone number list by employees transferred to a new position. In this case, the specialist gets used to new responsibilities, strives to achieve specific results necessary for successful activity.
Primary and secondary adaptation of personnel are divid into 4 more types:
- Psychophysiological adaptation. The employee gets us to the new environment, work schedule, work and rest schule in his position. Such adaptation does not last long and is largely determined by the most important differences between first-party vs third-party cookies the health condition and natural reactions of the employee’s body. But accidents in the first working days, as a rule, occur precisely because of the lack of such adaptation.
- Social and psychological. A person adapts to the team, learns the company’s values. At this stage, he may face serious problems (for example, he expect quick success, but the expectations were not met, because he underestimat the obstacles; overestimat the importance of theory and b2c fax instructions, and, on the contrary, did not attach importance to the importance of practical skills and live communication, etc.).
- Social and organizational. The employee gets use to the new environment, in particular to the administrative-legal, socio-economic and managerial aspects.
- Professional. The employee actively masters operations and movements in accordance with the job description, technological process and labor standards.
A person’s ability to adapt is determin by the ability to anticipate potential problems and the ability to respond to them quickly.
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