The French people’s disinterest in the meia gave way to a visceral demand for information. But the answers were not necessarily there. For the first time. The journalists were no longer just witnesses but victims and just as unprepare as the public for this pandemic. An extraordinary context that helpe bring them closer together. And Laurent Guimier concludes. “The pandemic has permanently change the relationship between journalists and their audience.
This proximity is positive
The it is up to us to make it last over time.” Cover photo creit . Tours cell phone database Journalism Conference.Stray Links. Mobilizing Experts. The Platforms. The and Meia to Save the U.S. Elections wandering links October 3. The 2020 Reading time. 5 min Share US Elections & Social Meia – What to do if Trump declares himself the winner on D-Day? The November 3 election could be conteste and last for weeks.
Political experts provide resources for
Journalists with recommendations and best practices . The transparent how to make your customers regular standards for disinformation . The first presidential debate was considere by Internet users to be the worst debate ever. Here are some reactions on Twitter . US Elections and Deepfakes – AI-generate deepfakes featuring Putin and Kim Jong Un are being use in a political ad campaign – not to ruin the US election but to highlight the importance of a democratic process.
Create by RepresentUs in partnership
With a communications agency. The here is the AI-generate clean email speech “America doesn’t nee us to disrupt its elections. The it will do it itself”. Telework & video conferencing – Following the resumption of the pandemic. The telework is once again favore over face-to-face meetings. Video conferencing services are evolving with this new paradigm Google Meet is removing time limits and adding Q&A and polling features . The Teams is creating a “daily commute” feature to remind us of the world before.