How is it possible that these ordinary people end up getting rich just by uploading videos on YouTube? It seems like an easy money-making formula, but (I’m sorry to tell you) it’s not. Being a YouTuber is a job like any other, which requires time, perseverance and a lot of dedication.
A Youtuber is a person who has a channel on Youtube and is dedicated to making videos on a particular topic (such as fashion, recipes, opinions, video games, etc.). This person receives income from the videos they upload to their channel.
For most YouTubers, the income they earn is not high enough to make a living exclusively from this activity. However, a small percentage of YouTubers who dedicate themselves fully to this work are so successful that they manage to receive thousands and even millions of dollars for their videos.
Getting to that point is not easy, and staying there is even less so.
Now yes: how much money does a Youtuber earn?
Youtubers do not earn money from the number of subscribers to their channel, nor from the number of likes. They earn money from advertising but what is a youtuber.
Youtube is integrated with Google AdSense, a platform that places ads in different spaces, such as websites and Youtube channels. Once Youtubers or owners of these channels allow Youtube to insert ads in their videos (what is called monetization), they receive income for the number of views and clicks that said advertising has.
The exact figure for how much YouTube pays for such views is something the platform doesn’t like to disclose, but estimates put the value at between $1 and $3 for every 1,000 views. This means that, in theory, you can receive between $1,000 and $3,000 for a million views. Not bad, right?
Buuuut in practice it’s not that simple. The value depends on several factors, such as the country from which the ads are viewed. Not all countries pay the same, since an ad viewed in the US can pay more than one viewed in Mexico (sad, I know).
Other factors that influence are the popularity of the channel, the demand for a certain audience profile and the amount of money the advertiser pays for their advertising.
One aspect that is not always considered is the subject matter of the videos. Violent, obscene, politically charged or remotely controversial content is not ideal for advertising (brands do not like to be associated with these types of topics).
In order to be monetized, it is also important that the videos are 100% original, that is, that they do not contain copyrighted material.
The other way to make money on Youtube
Any YouTuber with at least 10,000 views on their channel can monetize and make money with Google AdSense. But when a YouTuber becomes an influencer, an even more lucrative door opens up: sponsorships.
As I mentioned earlier, YouTubers are the celebrities of this day and age, and as such, they have the power to influence people to prefer certain brands. When YouTubers reach a certain level of popularity, brands approach them to ask them to use their products and/or speak highly of them in exchange for a commission.
So you know what I’m talking about, here’s an example from the Spanish fashion influencer, Dulceida :
Who are the most famous YouTubers and how much do they earn?
Although rankings and earnings fluctuate constantly, some YouTubers manage to stay at the top. According to Business Insider and Socialblade statistics from 2017, the most influential independent YouTubers in Latin America and Spain are:
Vegetta777 (Spain)
This video game channel has over 20 million subscribers. According to Socialblade, its monthly earnings range from $46,500 to $744,500.
Whinderssonnunes (Brazil)
A character who loves to do parodies and reviews, among other things (like appearing shirtless). He has more than 26 million subscribers and earns between $17,400 and $278,900 dollars a month.
Yuya (Mexico)
This famous beauty tips vlogger has over 20 million subscribers. According to Socialblade, she earns between $5,800 and $92,200 per month.
Fernan Floo (El Salvador)
A YouTuber who loves video games and the color finland mobile database green. He has more than 25 million subscribers and earns between $31,700 and $507,000 dollars a month.
ElRubiusOMG (Spain)
A gamer with a great sense of humor who already has 27 million subscribers. According to Socialblade, his income is between $21,000 and $337,800 dollars per month (now we know why the OMG).
HelloIamGerman (Chile)
With more than 33 million subscribers, this when is your cargo too heavy for air freight? comedian is the most popular YouTuber in Latin America (even I follow him). He earns the not inconsiderable sum of between $9,600 and $154,300 dollars a month.
A final note
After watching these YouTubers, you’ll think, “I can also record myself saying nonsense and earn thousands of dollars.” But even though it may not seem like it at times, these people make an effort to create content that is relevant to their audience, whether it entertains them or provides them with interesting information.
In addition, dedicating yourself to this work alb directory requires production work so that the videos and the channel look good (after all, they are also brands). But the most important thing is passion and perseverance.
So if you are interested in starting out as a YouTuber, don’t do it for the money (and even less if you want it fast and easy). Do it because you have something unique to share with the world.