Thus, you need to ask yourself many questions and learn to make choices. Every day and in any situation, a person has freedom of choice, starting with breakfast, daily habits and lifestyle and ending with global, fateful decisions, such as choosing a profession and place of study. Small steps lead to the implementation of a big goal.
What they will do for the rest of their lives
For example, Tatyana Navka saw figure skater Elena Vodorezova perform on TV in her early childhood and also wanted to become a famous athlete. So the little girl had a dream, which helped to discover her talent and enormous work capacity, endurance to achieve an Olympic medal.
Goals can be set in different areas of life. You can use the “Life Balance Wheel” technique and analyze in each specific area what you like, what you want to improve, how you see your ideal life. This way, you can set 1–3 goals in each area.
For example, health goals:
Start doing exercises in the morning
Drink a glass of water with lemon every morning to activate digestion.
Financial goals:
increase your Some europe cell phone number list people income by 20%;
start saving 10% of your income every month.
Thus, proper goal setting leads to a balanced life and an increase in its quality.
What is a correctly set goal?
There is a special Smart technique for setting goals.
According to this methodology, the goal should be
achievable and real;
relevant and agb directory appropriate;
determined by deadlines.
It is important Some visitor lands for the purpose of exchanging data people to formulate the goal without the particle “not” and in the present tense, as if you already have the desired result. For example, you don’t need to say: “I want to be beautiful.” This is an unclear request. It is better to set the following clear goal: “