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“What are your salary expectations and why exactly this much?

He is indignant because “well, it’s all written in the resume.” By saying this phrase, the applicant practically predetermines the outcome of the interview, naturally, not in his favor.

By asking such a question, the recruiter evaluates communication skills, self-presentation skills, correlation of values ​​and the relevance of the candidate’s experience to a specific vacancy.

I recommend using the Elevator

Speech method for preparation: imagine that you and the head of the company where you want to get a job are in the same elevator. You have exactly 1 minute to talk about yourself as the most suitable candidate, there will be no second chance. It is convenient to build a speech in the following sequence: the current (about your current professional activity), then briefly about your previous background, and finally about the future (your career plans and aspirations with reference to this employer and vacancy). Try it, the scheme works.

The cherry on the cake of any interview is questions concerning financial aspects

To avoid it falling into salary middle east mobile number list expectations the tricky category, it is important to determine before the meeting what salary level is currently the base for you, what income will be the target, and what is comfortable. Are you ready to accept a reduction in money and by how much? Build a clear system of arguments based on figures and facts, to do this, analyze the labor market, study the offer of employers and the expectations of applicants with similar experience to yours.

“Why did you leave your previous job?”
Listing the shortcomings of a previous employer and throwing mud at him will definitely not add points to the candidate’s piggy bank; rather, it makes him think hard.

There are five most common erroneous answers

“This was the salary the signifiers resonate expectations most disgusting company I have ever worked for. Nothing but gossips and agb directory lazy people.”
“Everyone has been sitting in their positions for a long time, but I want rapid growth and I’m not going to wait for a promotion for years!”


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