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The sentences paragraphs and sections

I recently wanted to wrap a gift for a friend! but I didn’t have any tape or wrapping paper.

Luckily! my mom came to the rescue with a bag full of colorful tape and wrappers to choose from.

She keeps and stores them for years! because it is in her nature to reuse and recycle whenever possible.

Recycle! recycle and recycle

In my opinion! content marketers should adopt my mother’s eco-friendly and money-saving ethic.

When you move forward with a piece of content! you make decisions and leave things behind. You discard comments! sentences! paragraphs! entire sections! or just good ideas.

If you’ve already done the work! why throw it away?

Save it to a document or a trash can and organize it so you can find what you’re looking for later.

that you discarded one day can  later be used  to defend your arguments in overseas data other articles or be developed as new! independent pieces.

The Memoir Project is a short guide that explains how to tell stories that sentences paragraphs connect with your audience! but also talks about how to revive fragments discarded during editing.

For every piece I write! there is a short title (in journalism this is called a “slug”)! so that in my computer this chapter will be in a file called “The Memoir Project!” in a subfile called “five!” referring to through an interview makes even both the project and the order in which this chapter appears.

Then for every semicoherent sentence

or paragraph not on the topic at hand! there exists a new file called “five outs!” referring to the chapter from which it was cut and suggesting a possible Frankensteinian afterlife! the tidy ethic of the morgue being never to leave anything lying around.

– Marion Roach Smith! The Memoir Project: A Thoroughly Non-Standardized fanto data Text for Writing

There are hundreds of tools that can help you organize these fragments! from the most basic ones like Google Drive! to Trello or Evernote.

Whatever tool you choose! the key is not to waste any resources! because you might need them later to wrap a beautiful gift.

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