The subject matter is the same. Much of the background information is the same. What changes is the angle and style of writing.
In this example you can see how iContainers , an e-commerce company for maritime freight transport, does it .
In this case the topic was a forecast of what the market
would look like during the year that had just begun. Written based on interviews with company experts and influencers , the piece offered an exclusive insider point of view .
By including analysis and quotes from experts, the article goes from being a purely email data informative blog post to an article relevant to media outlets that cover economic and logistical issues.
By changing the writing style, adopting an objective tone and adjusting the angle, this story was chosen by some of the most important economic and specialized media in the sector.
When writing content designed to generate media impact, keep these 3 rules in mind:
- Each medium has its own style guidelines and editorial line. You need to research some people already know from childhood them to adapt your message.
- You will have to adjust the angle, structure and tone of the story.
- The narrative line should be clear and objective.
Take advantage of the time factor
When planning your combined blog and media strategy, keep the time factor in mind.
Each industry has its own calendar of significant dates and a repertoire of topics that can create a great impact at certain times of the year.
If you’re in the tourism industry, you’ll want to plan your strategies reflected articles around the seasons. For example, just before summer can be a great time to offer tourism forecasts for the season.
For those in the education industry, the start of the school year in September fanto data and the start of the year in January are key dates to aim for.
You get the idea. Plan ahead and have a calendar in hand to create synergies between your blog strategy and your media strategy.
in a single editorial calendar . This way we can manage them together and identify potentially newsworthy topics quickly.
If all goes well, by integrating your blog and digital PR strategies, you can:
- Attract organic traffic.
- Expand reach via referral traffic.
- Increase brand recognition.
- Improve your organic positioning thanks to brand mentions and backlinks received from authoritative pages.